Pret A Porter

From a courier bag, a performer and a musician magically create a theatrical setting. Seemingly out of nowhere, a tiny fantasy world emerges step by step in which the young audience is taken on a journey of discovery. Exciting, challenging, unforgettable and close, different every time…
A first series of PAP bags came about in 2021-2022 during an exchange with artists of La Miam from Montreal. Three Flemish performers created a mini world with baby and picture books of all sizes and shapes as inspiration. Watching books together becomes a musical adventure!
A second set of PAP bags took shape in 2022-2023. In this series, artists explored the field of tension between humans, objects, movement and mechanics. Two or more artists, each with their own world, improvise with each other’s books and worlds, with music and with the children.
Different tastes
The various PAP bags are very versatile and especially multi-purpose. This allows artists to work flexibly and demand-driven with the contents of their messenger bag. The contents of one bag lend themselves better to a larger audience, while another comes into its own in an intimate quiet setting. Or just that one PAP bag will create a festive exuberant atmosphere in no time.
The surprising combination of two completely different PAP bags and musicians has already yielded many beautiful performances, suitable for a larger audience. Or for an audience split into two groups at two venues with a pass-through system.
The performers improvise away, both with their own material and with the contents of each other’s pockets. This creates beautiful cross-pollinations and exciting visual and musical discoveries.
Two or more artists, each within their own world, improvise freely with each other’s books and worlds, with music and with the children.

Concept and artistic coaching: Karel Van Ransbeeck, Astrid Bossuyt
By and with: Karel Van Ransbeeck, Lize Pede, Marie Van Praag, Ugo Dehaes, Kevin Trappeniers, Gertjan Biasino, Lori Tuerlinckx, Lieke Verreussel, Senne Van Loock
Musicians: changing musicians from De Spiegel such as: Stefan Wellens, Christophe Pochet, Jutta Troch, Astrid Bossuyt, Joeri Wens, Nicolas Ankoudinoff, Dries De Maeyer, e.a.
Musical coaching and composition: Adrian Lenski
Technical support creation: Wim Van de Vyver, Ugo Dehaes, Gertjan Biasino
Coproduction: De Spiegel in cocreation with La Miam (Montréal), Froe Froe, CC Gasthuis Aarschot, Boze Wolf festival, Vlaamse Gemeenschap
Duration: 35 minutes