Billions of Bugs

In every square metre of our earth, we find hundreds of creepy crawlies. Sweet ones, nasty ones, tiny ones, fascinating ones… Insects! We think we know them. Yet they continue to surprise us and spark our imagination. The very first film-makers were also fascinated by the overwhelming magnificence of so many small creatures.
Cinema De Spiegel juggles with the roots of cinema: from Lumière to the first film experiments. From artists to scientific film material. In the treasure trove of film archives, Theater De Spiegel has discovered old film clips in which insects play the starring role. That very first footage is projected onto various screens in different ways. Plastic art objects, inspired by the wonderful insect world, enrich the performance.
A harpist and violinist provide a buzzing musical and theatrical accompaniment. Cinema De Spiegel surprises us with an astonishing multi-media cinematic concert.

Billions of Bugs is a production by Theater De Spiegel
Coproduction with De Studio as part of M HKA-De Studio producties
Direction/concept/scenography: Karel Van Ransbeeck
Music: Annelies Van Parys, Jutta Troch and Astrid Bossuyt
Performance/Harp: Jutta Troch
Performance/violin: Astrid Bossuyt
Insect figures: Gino Rizzi
Decor: Wim Van de Vyver
Selection film fragments: Karel Van Ransbeeck and Marc Verstappen
Montage and technology: Mirko De Beule, Nils Janssens, Alain Ongenaet and
Zoë Bossuyt
Movie sources:
‘The Grasshopper and the Ant’ 1954 Lotte Reiniger courtesy of BFI National Archive
‘Voice of the Nightingale’ 1923 Ladislas Starewitch copyright collection Martin-Starewitch
“Bzzz’T” animatiefilm 2012 copyright Isabel Bouttens
Duration: 40 minutes